Hypnotherapy training for professionals working with Anxiety
Do you work with anxious clients?
Do you use hypnosis in your practice?
Are you an anxiety professional looking to update your skills to the next level?
Are you looking for a total “done for you” solution to working with anxious clients?
Are you looking for a simple step by step process that holds your hand through 4 sessions with your clients?

If you’re looking for advanced hypnotherapy training to treat anxious clients, that takes you beyond your current understanding... you need this program!
Even seasoned therapists will at times need additional anxiety training as they encounter more complex clients.
Anxiety is on the rise and it's a great niche to specialise in.
So for 25 years I’ve been treating people with anxiety. You could say after 15 years of suffering anxiety I know a thing or 2 about it!
The truth is there are therapy models out there that make treating anxiety into metaphysics when it doesn’t have to be!
The mechanics of anxiety, how its created and maintained are virtually identical for everyone who suffers with it.
Peoples stories and lives might be different but there’s a common theme that runs through all people who suffer from anxiety.

Taking your Anxiety Hypnotherapy training expertise to a new level
I have developed a simple formula that is not only easy for you to understand but more importantly for your clients to understand.
It’s very important that they leave your office better equipped for life with a simple plan of action that they can use right away.

So to here’s what you get on the Complete Anxiety Training Program
4 videos where I go through the key points of every session with the client.
An mp3 audio recording describing how I teach Thought retraining to my clients.
A complete written script for what I say to my clients for every session.
4 GOLD standard hypnotherapy scripts that I still use every day in my practice.
Additional GOLD standard hypnotherapy script for clients who needs extra help.
Resource section. Tips and metaphors to use with clients. Highly effective.
Private facebook group for students to discuss any aspects on the program.
My personal telephone number if you have any questions or need any advice.
Certificate of completion to show you’ve done this advanced hypnotherapy training.
Designed for anxiety professionals you’ll learn my Thought Retraining process.
A simple way to condition the negative thoughts that are at the root cause of anxious feelings.
You’ll learn how to get your clients to use logic so they can easily make good decisions in their lives by simply applying 2 sentences.
Broken down into easy to digest chunks I will personally take you through each client session and give you the scripts for how to deliver Thought Retraining to teach it to your clients.
I then give you my Gold Standard tried and tested hypnosis scripts for reducing anxiety and building self-confidence in your clients.
Each script is tried and tested extensively and still used daily by myself.
You also get a royalty-free hypnosis music track created by me to use for your Hypnotherapy recordings.
Everything is broken down step by step for simplicity
The scripts for each session are laid out conversation style with 5 unique hypnosis scripts that are flexible so that they can be used at any point in the 4 session program.
Obviously every client progresses differently so all you have to do is decide which one would suit that particular client.
Upon completion of the materials you will then join Steve for a one to one assessment to make sure you have understood the course materials.
Upon satisfying Steve that you have understood the program you will be issued a certificate of competence.
You would then be trained in the Thought Retraining Complete Anxiety Training Program and would then be a Qualified Practitioner.
This will be sent out to you via email.
On the assessment I will personally answer any questions you have not only about the program but about Hypnotherapy generally. Nothing is off limits!
Complete Anxiety Training Program